This article was originally published in a NADCO email news report. From time to time, we here at TxCDC come across news and information that we believe benefits our customers, partners and employees. Enjoy!
In case you missed it, Jay Goltz – who owns The Goltz Group, blogs for the New York Times, and heads five businesses – recently interviewed with JJ Ramberg of MSNBC. Among the topics discussed were SBA 504 lending and the need for debt refi.
Highlights from the Jay Goltz interview
“I will tell you I’ve done SBA loans, I’m doing one now, the SBA loan program is great – there are some tweaks there though… They aren’t allowing you to take money out of the program, if you’re refinancing. It’s out there in Congress and they’re trying to bring it back to where you can get money out of it. It would be helpful if they could just bring that [debt refi program] back to where that was two years ago.”
“There are things out there that aren’t going to cost the government any money, that’s very very helpful to small business and it’s frustrating that every year you don’t know what they’re going to be doing.”